Friday, March 15, 2013

How To Start A Blog (Part 2)

Yesterday we started on how to blog part 1, today is its continuation...

Now you can start with your blog post probably with a short essay of 2-3 paragraphs which is not that short nor too long for a blog post. Blogs are usually shorter than regular articles which aims to provide straight information because there will be a lot of distracting internet content which will grab the readers attention.

Now how do you get their full attention aside from the blog post which is written? This is where you can utilize multimedia content. You can choose from photographs, videos, flash animations, forms, and other website content which should be relevant to the topic discussed. This would now depend on you available resources  if you can provide original content, that would be the best. However if not, you can also scout the web for content but remember that some content have copyrights which might not allow you to have them posted on your blog. Though uploading identical content is not advisable, you can also check if you can use a certain media either by embedding options or asking permission from the creator. You may also want to check on open resources which can provide free content.

If you have your article completed and may have some pictures of videos attached to it, try to take a preview of it first just to check if they are alligned correctly or it would be easy to read. It's because sometimes the formats of the blog may not be suitable to the content and would not look good when loaded on the blogsite.

Once everything is set and approved with your standards, you can go ahead and post your blog. Try to review the post just in case of missed errors or eyesore contents. Having a theme for you blogsite would also spark interest with your potential readers. 

And there, you are now official blogger! But don't keep it with just one article, fill it with more content and keep in mind the rules so that you keep a great standard in your blogpost.

You can also leave here the link your very first blog post so I can also visit them. This hobby can be you passion soon.

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