Friday, July 24, 2020

Blogger Issues Everywhere! How To Deal With Them

Whisk negativity away!
Blogging is never easy, newbies and veterans would have something in common to dread about in being a blogger. With my status today, my main dilemma would be the conflict of work to blogging and events. But there are also a lot of blogger problems that would arise usually when things become ugly with bad events, bitchy attitudes, and even politics.

Like any other profession, blogging is a socially inclined activity. We see, we experience, we write. But we are not always alone, there are hundreds to thousands of other bloggers out there which is also looking at what you are also seeing, experiencing and writing. As individuals we are also raised in different backgrounds, dramatic backstories, and interesting events leading to the blogger we are today. But this will NEVER always jive with others. In the internet world, haters is a fact we have to live with and cannot be avoided. 

Despite that haters are here to hate, hate, hate. It is not advisable to dwell and swim in their pool of derogatory statements. There are ways to deal with them, however consider the consequences of your future actions as internet karma is always there to keep us all grounded and immortalized in memes and statements.