Monday, September 30, 2013


We all know that Bloggers are more like a large family with a lot of Class, Species and sub-species. There are many kinds and classifications depending on their traits and even appearances. Knowing what kind of blogger are you can help you realize your blogging career direction. However, there are also some exceptions of mixed kinds and some continue to evolve which this writing has not yet discussed. Thus, the discovery of new kinds is like discovering a new kind of species and is worth to be defined.

Blogging would fall under the category of communication arts which is basically the mass media. They do also have their own family tree of diversity, but we will just focus on the category or we might end up with a complete volume of encyclopedia (for kids who don't know what are them, it's already a relic).

Blogger as we defined in the earlier blog post is someone engaged in creating articles, multimedia, and other new media used to share personal experiences, news, and information published in the world wide web. Bloggers again are writers in the world stage with their ideas posted in the busy and interactive network of information and data where it seeks to be discovered in the vast sea of binary and codes.

Bloggers can be group into many circles, but depending on the topics they find their expertise defines their overall look and category.